Saturday, March 10, 2007

Managing student security in 2.0

I am currently running an online bookclub using blogging software and hoping that it stays "under the radar" of my district. There are inherent dangers for both the district and the students in using 2.0 applications and teachers are liable for the results. The district is concerned about student privacy, appropriate content, and student safety vis a vis predators and bullies. I have so many safeguards on my blog that it barely functions as such. The students have to have signed parental permission. The blog can only be accessed by registered users. The postings are made under fictional pseudonyms and the postings are moderated and do not appear until I have approved them. Sure takes most of the fun out of it.

1 comment:

Tom Kaun said...

As a matter of fact I started a review blog before they were called blog and we just used PHP technology (I think that's right!?). Anyway, I've had the same issue. Every review comes to me (or someone with administrator access) before it is posted to the site. If we want to "be sure" that only appropriate comments are posted I don't really see any way around this.