Friday, March 30, 2007

Week 5 - Online image generators

I tried playing with the Cartoon Generator. While it looks like it could be fun, the download time was excessive even with a dedicated DSL line. Does anyone know what the copyright ramifications are? There were Disney cartoons that you could modify. Did Disney give the rights for that? I find it hard to imagine since they tightly control their products.
All of the image generators that I experimented with could have very creative uses in the classroom. But, and I hate to keep saying this - really I do, they would never fly in my district. There are far too many questionable links and advertisements on the sites. Before filters were mandated, I was at the elementary level and managed to control the links that students went to through fear and intimidation ;-) Now that I have been at the junior high level for the last six years, I can see how necessary (even tho' it frustrates me no end) those filters are. This age group has very little impulse control and fear and intimidation when they are mostly bigger than I am doesn't work.
Image Chef was fun, but would easily be abused at the jhs level. - Create custom images

1 comment:

Nice Guy said...

Almost anything can be abused, I say filter *.* (everything) on firewalls and proxies!

Make more personalized images on :)