Friday, May 16, 2008

Davis JUSD Library Program Saved!

The Davis JUSD was faced with an almost overwhelming budget deficit of 4 million dollars. The Davis community has always played an active role in the school system and so they tackled this problem head on. The Davis Schools Foundation, which had been formed several years ago, spear-headed a campaign to raise $365 (A Dollar A Day Campaign)for each child. While they didn't quite reach that goal, they did raise almost $2 million in 2 months. The librarians in the district joined the campaign by promising to walk 182.5 miles each (half of 365) and getting pledges. We turned in our money to the Foundation last night. We managed to walk over 1200 miles and amassed close to $63,000.00. (An additional thousand came in after we "cut" the check.) The music program solicited donations and held concerts to raise over $200,000.

The Governor's budget revision helped to close the gap and now instead of 112 teachers (including librarians, music teachers, science prep teachers, and classroom teachers) there are only 11 people still on the cut list due to declining enrollment. Our hearts go out to those eleven, but we know that they are incredibly talented teachers who will continue their careers with other districts that are still growing and in need of teachers. The decisions will not be final until they are voted on at the Board meeting on May 21st, but we are confident that the administations recommendations will be approved.
While communities around us sometimes make fun of Davis for its liberal thinkers, slow-growth policies, and environmental emphasis, it is a wonderful place to live and work. Very few other communities could come together so quickly and with such enthusiasm, spirit and generosity to save their school programs. The Davis Schools Foundation is the most amazing group and I cannot thank them enough for their vision, creativity, and untold hours, days, weeks and months of work.

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